Songs of Faith
Christian Hymns and Songs
A Mighty Fortress - Luther
A Pure Heart - Nelson
Agnus Dei - Michael W Smith
All Creatures of Our God and King
All We Like Sheep - Bach
Amazing Grace - Newton
As the Deer/O WALY
Ave Maria - Schubert and Bach/Gounod
Ave Verum - Mozart
Be Still My Soul - Sibelius
Be Thou My Vision - traditional Irish
Before the Throne - Getty
Celtic Alleluia - O'Carroll
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
Come to Jesus - Chris Rice
Dear Lord and Father - Parry
Deep River - spiritual
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer - Hughes
Hallelujah Chorus - Handel
He - Jack Richards
Hear Us Now, Our God and Father
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands - spiritual
Here I Am to Worship - Tim Hughes
Holy Holy Holy
How Beautiful - Twila Paris
How Great Thou Art
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever - Martin Smith
Immortal, Invisible - traditional Welsh
In Christ Alone - Townend
In This Life - Collin Raye
Jerusalem (and Did Those Feet) - Parry
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring - Bach
Let All Things Now Living (Ashgrove)
Let There Be Peace on Earth - Miller
Lord of All Hopefulness (Slane) - traditional Irish
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling - Rowlands
Love Never Fails - Brandon Heath
Morning Has Broken - traditional Scottish
O Praise Ye the Lord - Parry
O Sacred Head Now Wounded - Hassler/Bach
Ode to Joy - Beethoven
Only Hope - Switchfoot
Onward Christian Soldiers - Baring/Gould
Panis Angelicus - Franck
Pie Jesu - Webber
Praise My Soul the King of Heaven - Goss
Praise to the Lord the Almighty
Psalm 42 (WALY) - traditional Irish
Sheep May Safely Graze - Bach
Simple Gifts - Shaker hymn
Sleepers Awake - Bach
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - spiritual
The Lord Bless You and Keep You - Lutkin
The Lord Is Kind and Merciful - Cotter
The Lord’s Prayer - Malotte
The Trumpet Shall Sound - Handel
There Is A Fountain - Cowper
There Is Love - Paul Stookey
We Gather Together - traditional Dutch
Were You There - spiritual
What a Beautiful Name - Hillsong
You Have Been Good - Twila Paris
Jewish Songs and Wedding Music
Chosen Kallah Mazel Tov
Dodi Li - traditional
Dodi Li - Steven Sher
Erev Ba (Evening Falls)
Erev Shel Shoshanim (Evening of Roses)
Hassidic Medley
Matchmaker (from Fiddler on the Roof)
Hava Nagila
Hayu Leilot (There Were Nights)
Hevenu Shalom Aleychem
Hofim (Beaches)
Hora Medley
Mazel Tov and Siman Tov
Od Yishama
Oif’m Pripetshok
Oseh Shalom
Sabbath Prayer (from Fiddler on the Roof)
Sunrise, Sunset (from Fiddler on the Roof)
Tsena Tsena
Yedid Nefesh (Soulmate)
Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (Jerusalem of Gold)